Sunday, June 30, 2013

Peter Cottontails Has To Die!

So I know the title of this post may seem a little harsh, however, those cute creatures with pretty fur and a fluffy tail are not so nice and sweet. Don't be fooled by those big sad brown eyes and the way they hop to and fro. Oh no, my friends, beware....they are vicious, flower murders. I even have the evidence to prove it.

This pretty corepolis had a nice yellow flower, but it was quickly ravaged.

See the pretty stalk with flower buds, there were more out front, however, the plant thirsty vermin has snacked on it continuously leaving no pretty flowers to be seen.

And there was 1. I had planted 6 thriving, lush larkspurs. Now only 1 sole survivor remains.

Suspect #1 
Unfortunately, there is not just one of these creatures. We have an infestation of rabbits. No matter what door you walk out or window you look out, you can see a rabbit lounging in the yard. Seriously, lounging. They lay with their back feet stretched out and eat with no worries in the world. So while I have been successful in keeping them out of the garden, it has been to the detriment to my floor beds.

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