Sunday, June 2, 2013

Beach Street Beauty!

So a whole month has gone by and no post, well that's because it has taken A LOT of time outside getting the house ready for spring. I had to plant the vegetable garden, 2 flower beds and clean the front bank. It seriously took me several weekends and nights after work to get it all done. I have to say, I'm quite proud of all my hardwork.

Front bank with weeds in their glory

After 2 days of hard work...weed free and flowers planted!

 The picture below is a good picture of the front of our house. We have two terraces of 2 rows of hedges and then the steep open bank. In between the rows of bushes, collects leaves and chestnut shells. I never had the time or ambition to clean them out since we moved in. I decided this year would be different.

 The work went by fairly quickly, and the bottom terrace has been cleaned out. I have not gotten to the second terrace as I have not been ambitious to put on long sleeve pants and shirt to walk between the hedges and reach into the next level. It did make a difference though!
Then there was the flower beds in front of the house and along the side. In a moment of sheer billance last year, I put in a flower bed along side the house. Turns out, it never gets any rain as it is completely under the roof over hang. Yep, I have to water this on a daily basis. Sheer genius on my part!
This flower bed in front of the house will be my demise. I had the huge shrubs that use to belong here ripped out when we moved in. Basically, they didn't bloom, so out they go! However, I'm struggling to get anything to grow in here. I purchased 2 hydrangeas last year and they died. The daises and lamb's ears from my grandmother's garden are doing fantastic though. This is flower bed is just going to be a work in progress I guess.

The morning glory and larkspur grow sporadically when the rabbits stop eating them. All the green are little helicopters from the trees.

Quite a few snap dragons in this picture. Suffice it to say, not that many left. They keep dying on me. Not sure what is going on in this flower bed!!
This is just the front and the one side of the house. If we go out back, there is the vegetable garden, but I think I will wait for another post for that one!

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